How to Not Delay Your Closing — Great GA Realty

A past client of mine actually reached out to me last week and told me this story. Her daughter, that was purchasing a home in another state was traveling to that state. She was going there to close on the house, and waited until she got there to find out about the actual amount of money that needed to be wired to the attorney's office in order to close on her home. Only to find out that the closest bank was six hours away.

For some banks, you can only wire so much money over the phone. Luckily her mom was on her account, and she was able to do the transaction for her. I guess the point of this post is to say make sure that you are checking in with the attorney's office if you're in a state where you're closing with an attorney as we do here in Georgia.

Check-in with that paralegal, and find out what the requirements are, can you bring a check, can you bring a cashier's check, a lot of attorneys are requiring wires specifically. Get all those details hammered out early on so that you don't run into any issues at closing.

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